The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders


Thanksgiving leftovers have been put away, and the kitchen floor mopped clean again.

Our little Christmas tree came out of cold storage and was set up in the embrasure by the living room window.

The three daughters here helped to decorate it, using ornaments we've collected through the twelve years (and counting) of our residence in this city.

We started a little family tradition of looking for and buying one new special ornament every year, one that speaks to us and what kind of year it might have been.

Sometimes the year's special ornament is a gift from others, such as this one given by my sister-in-law M the year the hubs and I got hitched (1999).


Ornament, from the French 14th century word; etymological root Ornamentum. Meaning to adorn, accessorize, embellish.

Because what we hope to do when we clap two pieces of wood together is not just to make fire, but make the fire sing, even if it might not be necessary...

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