jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Ben introduced Kong to the delights of drumming today. They had fun.

Ben and I also went out (without Kong, I must add) to various shops to give Steve a chance to tidy up his workshop a.k.a. the back bedroom. We managed to find some nice winter boot/shoes for Ben which is nice! They were the ones that he ran off in and wanted to wear, rather than the other two we tried on that he was neither here nor there about.

I'm cooking for some friends who have recently had a baby tonight, am trying a couple of things from Jamie's 30 minute meals (ignoring the race-against-the-clock part). It's nice to cook something different for a chnge, even if I'm probably not going to eat it!

No snow here today. Worthing has, by all accounts, its own little microclimate. What goes on around Sussex doesn't seem to get to us at the same time. I even heard today that some parts of Worthing have vastly differing types of weather on any given day - bright hot sunshine one side of the railway line, and cold and foggy on the other side. Well - it's called living by the sea I suppose, in the relative shelter of the South Downs. Weird stuff, climate.

Come on snow, it's really not fair.... it's just not the same, experiencing it through all the rest of the blippers!!

Oh... and sleep.... yeah... didn't really happen. I'm blaming teeth. I don't know what I'm going to blame it on when they're all finally through.

Bedtime update edit thing: I love Jamie Oliver. I successfully made frangipane tarts, and a sausage pasta thing. And it was all delicious!! I reckon, with a bit of practise, and if I knew where everything was beforehand, I might actually be able to make all that in half an hour.... It certainly seems possible :)

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