Snow day...

I had a nice long lie this morning.

When I looked out of the window Mike had written a note on the car windscreen for me.

Jock & Mum took me to Springholm, then onto Castle Douglas for a super lunch. We had a lovely drive until a van came around a corner to fast, jumped on the brakes and locked up his wheels. He went into the side of Jock's Range Rover, hitting the wheel and bouncing of the back bumper. Even with Jock taking evasive action and ending up with all 4 wheels on the grass verge. They swapped insurance details and we helped push the van out of the ditch.

We had a nice coffee with G, C & D, thank you for the lift home.

I have a school reunion tonight. It should be a good laugh.

Hope you had a good Saturday :0)

Shona :0)x

Ps/ Best views BIG x

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