The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Lazing On A Sunny Afternoon

The snow of yesterday continued into the night and by nine o'cock was accompanied by an absolutely amazing thunderstorm. Sheet lightning, huge thunderclaps and yet more snow. It was all very Day After Tomorrow. Didn't quite know whether to stand on the doorstep and watch the spectacle or hide under the dining room table and start praying for salvation so we settled on watching it out of the window with a glass of wine. If it did turn out to be Armageddon I figured it was best to go out at least half cut.

Luckily we lived to see another day and woke to clear skies and sunshine, though when he realised he had 10 inches of snow to dig out of the car park the husband wasn't feeling quite so fortunate. Between the three blokes (though one of them is a marine so he probably counts as two normal people) it took just under three hours to clear the car park and paths. It probably would have taken less than that had Satans Minions not pitched up with their buckets and spades intent on helping. They spent a happy morning transporting snow from one pile to the other dropping most of it along the way. Still, as you can see Minion number one was rather exhuasted from the exertions and fell asleep before even having dinner so I for one think it was worth it. More snow forecast overnight so no doubt it will be the same again tomorrow.

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