
Lots more snow last night. Woke early to see a flash and then heard the thunder. Don't think I've ever experienced the two together before. Was really wild and the snow was blowing in horizontally. Anyway, by lunchtime it was still falling and we could hear the odd roll of thunder over the hills. Decided to switch all the electrical stuff off and go for a short walk.

Didn't quite work out that way. The electrical storm seemed to abate and we went headed further out through the woods. Sent the man in front as he had the stick. Saw a big ditch full of water and pointed it out to him just before he tested the ground out with his foot rather than said walking aid. He slipped in. Luckily, no damage was done and we arrived home looking forward to a warm cuppa and a bath.

Didn't quite work out like that though. A power cut meant that the heating had gone off and worse still the gas hob wouldn't work because it's got a safety cut out. Made dash to find torches and candles before it got dark. Needless to say, mission accomplished, the lights came back on. So now having cooked for two days just in case we get more cuts tonight and having charged all the batteries I can find, I'm off to enjoy a hot meal.

Not a bad day at all!

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