
Aren't blankets supposed to be warm and comforting?

Well the snow certainly isn't. Forget all those fictional, cheery, vertically challenged people with inordinately long ginger beards and green caps who live at the North Pole. You know the ones who never do anything but smile and trundle along through a blizzard while looking like the Oompa Loompas in Willie Wonka's chocolate factory?. NEWS FLASH: THEY ARE NOT REAL and do you know what, snow is not a comforting blanket either. It's cold, it gets wet and if you are not careful you fall over. It also makes taking low level photos a NIGHTMARE! Brrr!

Anyway, we've been out for a walk, I've got my blip and now I think a nice glass of port and a mince pie call. Who cares that it isn't time for all that nonsense yet? If nothing else I can blame the snow for my pre-seasonal indulgences!

Lensbaby practice!

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