
Yesterday was a particularly horrible day. It's the first time in 592 days that I haven't taken a single picture, not one. It's only the second time that I haven't posted anything. I woke up in the morning feeling fine, but by lunch time I felt decidedly odd. Bit woozy, bit nauseous and wasn't really concentrating on stuff properly. After a brief sojourn to the local shop to get some stuff I realised that I wasn't processing things very well at all. The whole thing reminded me of the feeling that I used to experience before a seizure. Was a bit freaked to put it mildly.

A bit of TLC from the man and a good night's sleep and I was feeling much better - until he got ready to go to work that is. Couldn't believe it when I started getting dizzy again. My rational brain had already worked out that this was some kind of bizarre anxiety reaction to separation, but my deep emotional brain was having none of it. (I know this is all beginning to sound a bit Freudian and I'd be the first person to scoff at the idea of different parts of the brain competing with one another, but that is really what it felt like). It was determined that I was going to have another day like yesterday.

However, a few phone calls and some focused tidying later saw an end to that little monster and the day turned out to be pretty good. Got my cards back from the printer, caught up on a little (VERY) bit of housework and went into town for a swim (in a heated pool - far too cold for the real water!).

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