Susie'sLittle London Life

By susieb

Today, I went to the cinema...

.... for the first time since 2006. Well, I say that, the last film I actually remember seeing on the big screen was Vera Drake in 2005, but I'm fairly sure I must have been at least once in 2006. Obviously the film wasn't that memorable.

That's not to say that I haven't watched films; I've seen plenty, just in my jim jams on the sofa.

Anyway, I usually make an effort for Mike Leigh films (I missed the cinematic viewings of Happy-Go-Lucky due to a knee injury), so today, Kate (my beautiful sister) and I went to see this

It was wonderful. We had lunch on the South Bank first, and also managed to take in the World Press Association Photos of the Year exhibition at Royal Festival Hall, which were inspiring to say the least.

Oh, and Kate only allowed me to take her portrait today because she'd recently had her eyebrows threaded. I'm sure you'll all agree they look marvellous....

And, to top off an already fabulous day...... my boys are back! Happy, happy, happy.

Hope you've all had great weekends, and thank you everyone for the lovely comments on yesterday's blip.

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