With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


There was a dusting of snow (the first of the winter) on the tops this morning as I headed out for Portals Nous. I have accepted a part time teaching job, starting January, so fingers crossed for a trouble free month ahead, a bit of r+r and then back to it with some energy and enthusiasm. The promise of a more regular week, not too gruelling a timetable, lovely people, and a bit of mental stimulation, never mind a pay packet at the end of each month is great. And yes, I'm going to be careful. I knew I wouldn't be able to say no!

The boys have done really well at school, with excellents and very goods, and just one good apiece as their lowest grade! I'm so proud of them, with everything they have been through lately, they've kept cheerful and say wonderful things to me. They're the tops!

So when we got home, we danced in the car as we realised we have much to celebrate. Cumberland sausage in the fridge too and a rather naughty bit of cow for me later. Mmmmm.

Have a great weekend everyone

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