Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

I got out!

The day started from a text at 8am this morning - just what I needed!
Eventually got back to sleep and got up at 11am.

Despite being tired and having a sore back I got the car dug out and in the process parsfan came over and introduced himself.
He was getting his morning paper and was heading back home for his breakfast. Nice to meet you and eventually put a face to your name!

Drove hairily to my favourite place for a coffee and found it very hard to get a space, was about to give up and go home when I spotted one.
All that snow piled up, it's hard to get into a space safely.

Took a walk round the pond where I saw the woman from the chinese dump a bucket of veg for the ducks and swans.
I have blipped the swans go mad for her food before, but then I didn't know where she had come from.

I'm that tired I don't even want wine tonight - that must be a first!

Edit - Jonny if you are reading this , remember my 'one year ago' shot! That was some night and technically your first blip!

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