Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Harbour at Night

What a god awful day.

I am still so tired and grumpy, not helped by having to did my car out again after a nice person dumped all their snow from their car around mine.

Then sliding and wheel spinning my way to mums and into her complex.

Some food shopping for various members of my family who can't get out.

Now waiting until 9.30pm, then picking my Aunt up from the airport, the same Aunt who refused to come home for my brother's wedding in October claiming that 'weddings aren't her thing' despite Steven being her only Nephew.
She seems to think it's ok to come over now though. Do we??
The annoying thing is that she won't get why we are so pissed of with her.
Oh this is going to be a fun week ahead.

Oh, I just want my bed:(

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