
By TeeJay

What Rot!

Yay, it rained. Of course it would have to be when I was out walking! First rain we've had in so long I'd almost forgotten what it looked like (with apologies to any Australians for my exaggeration). It was very wetting rain, and we were saturated in minutes, however it was great to see it.

We were heading for a swing bridge over the Matakitaki river, but when we got part way there the track became problematic for us both as we hadn't gone out prepared for walking and both had jandals on. Never mind, we'll go back another day with better footwear.

Anyway, on the way there we walked through a beech forest. I just love all the mosses and growths, seeing the lifecycle of a tree. And that dank earthy smell is wonderful. Many stumps in different stages of deterioration.

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