Fraiche and Wilde

By fraicheandwilde

Another Blip blip

Oh dear, I seem to be rather unreliable at thios blipping malarky, don't I? Blame a combination of a terrible computer (now finally replaced with a fast, whizzy new one) and not enough time to bless myself...and my inherent laziness. Anyway, now that the PC problem has been solved I'm hoping to be a more regular contributer, though the narrow window of natural light these winter days contain makes taking nice photos a bit more of a challenge than usual.

For now, let us concentrate, not on my failings as a blipper, but on the odd patterns that condensation makes on my bedroom window. I'm sure there's some complicated, big, scientific reason for this my my assumption is that drunken bees put it there (well, it looks like wobbly honeycomb to me...)

If you feel so inclined, please check out my back blips starting from here.

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