
By ausmossie

Making Ice Blocks

I thought I would carry on from my blip from yesterday and post something else to do with the Ice Sculptures. Over the next little while, I will see what I can do to give a few more aspects of it.

Cutting the ice into blocks.
This is the machine they use to cut the giant blocks of ice into smaller ones. It is just a huge (unguarded) saw blade on a very long arm. As with everything, the machine is on wheels. They slide the ice in and move the machine along. I didn't see any evidence of measuring. Maybe they do it by eye. They can then move the cut blocks around the site and use them for the various buildings. The machine is electric. THe cloud is actually ice 'dust'.

When it comes time to move the block, four or five guys will attach a large pair of tongs and then drag it with rope to its final destination. There is very little evidence of any machinery (particularly lifting machinery) on the entire site except for the cutting wheel.

Cold back breaking work... but they seem to love it.

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