
Seemed pertinent, seeing as I am turning into the family tree super sleuth.
I am following a number of trails currently.
It seems that there is history of the family name right back before the Domesday book...
What have I started?!
I have had some really interesting chats with my Dad and my Mum tonight though as a result of starting to open this huge can of worms.

Hence, the 'desperation blip' of choice at the moment - plonk the camera in the back yard, wrap it in a scarf to stop the battery draining too quickly, leave it on sequence, 30 second exposure, with remote release locked on. 245 photos later and a dead battery, this is the result, stacked using the Startrails freeware I was guided to by my good friend MV.

Now, I go - I need a brew.

James has read the story of Anne Frank. I think he was actually very upset when he got to the end to find that Anne died of disease in the concentration camps, merely a month before the camp was liberated. He seemed shaken by the unfairness of her having lived through so much, getting so close to surviving, but being taken by disease. He now wants to visit the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam - I have been there and found it eerie but morbidly fascinating. When I think life is hard, I return to Anne Frank's diary for a reality check on my own comfortable existence.

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