
By heraldino

Pharos I

Not-entirely-surprising news: - The pot callng the kettle black

Well Reverend Franklin Graham, I guess the rift between Christians and Muslims are not wide enough for you, you pompous, self righteous b.....stop me before I say something really nasty. So all the churches and community centers built in the name of Christianity, all the Bibles that are distributed in developing countries and all the pesky Saturday knocks on the front door from this, that or the other Christian spin-off church is not considered an attempt at conversion? Christianity is such a peaceful, loving religion, no wars have ever been fought over it, correct? How about you shove it where the sun don't shine, Rev.

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Good Also-hardly-a-surprise news:
- Knock him off his high horse

Mr. Jobs, you inflated, egotistical, greedy egghead, it isn't enough that you rule the world with your iStuff, is it? You also have to throw your weight around with people who are experts in the marketing business. We all know you didn't get here on your own. How about leaving the advertising to the experts and doing what you do best: basking in the cash of billions of pie-eyed Apple addicts.

The opinions expressed in my blips are mine and mine alone. They in no way represent the views of Blipfoto or any of its staff.

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