simple moments

By simplemoments

bits of brown sugar

not much happening.... oh....other than this dratted cold. i forgot how colds can linger on and on - why is that? i'm going through kleenex like there's no tomorrow, which makes me think i should've bought stock. how can one have so much gunk in their nose? it's not right... i'd think after a week it should all just be done but i'm continuing to hack, sniffle and sound decidedly unladylike. sigh....

do you feed a fever, starve a cold? so should i be starving myself? then would it go away since i'm no longer running a fever? i'm only doing the soup thing as it is as i don't have much of an apetite....

well, now i'm just whining.... how trite.... sorry... i will look back on this and giggle i'm sure of it at some point. for now, this is my sorry story for the day - pitiful .... looking for sympathy....

but...hoping everyone else is having a

happy day.....

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