Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Bird Food

Looks much better large.

This is the remains of one of Henry's sunflowers. We planted eight but only two survived the slugs. Our garden plays host to a race of super slugs, one of whom (or maybe six of whom) scaled six of the sunflowers and ate the heads!

Once the flowers had died I let them dry and them hung them up for the birds. This one looks a bit moth-eaten and I photographed it today while on the hunt for textures. Then I didn't have time to photograph anything else because I've been busy so I present to you...a moth-eaten (or rather bird-eaten) sunflower. At least it isn't more frost!

Noah had his MMR and pneumococcal booster today...he was not impressed. He produced his best sad face after the first jab then as the Health Visitor approached for the second he shrank into me shaking his head and saying 'Noooo...nooooo...nooooo,' in the cutest little voice. I've never heard him say 'No' before. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Fortunately he didn't hold a grudge against me but my goodness the Health Visitor was treated to the full Noah Glare...which I still haven't managed to catch on camera :-)

In the interests of full disclosure...The EXIF data is slightly misleading because I had a little Raynox macro attachment fixed to the front of the camera.

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