Planko's Pics

By planko

Birthday Girl

It was Pesky Princess' birthday today, so early morning consisted of clearing snow. Early evening consisted of clearing ice (using sledgehammer!). Rest of the evening consisted of house full of girls making lots of noise, eating lots of food, singing and dancing, whilst i helped push stuck cars and clear more ice with rest of neighbours. A far safer option than being indoors :)

Then, really late evening consisted of taking the girls home, getting stuck, digging out snow, getting stuck, digging out more snow, getting stuck.....argh.

Home at last, and tomorrow will be first day in office in 10 days. Hopefully no more snow moving to be done, as I'm knackered. I think Mrs P will be glad of a break from me being at home.

Tonight's blip is another home made cake, full of time, effort, home made jam and love.


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