
By cracker


Big day again today! Spence and I were out in the garden for all of the morning chopping down heaps of bushes! I made three trips to the tip and still have enough for about two more! The tip isn't open again until Sunday though.

Tarsh, Scott, Ethan and Laura came over for a bbq tea tonight. We spent a bit of time outside kicking the footy and the kids played on the swings and slide before it got too cold. The kids all played really well together and us adults had a lovely chat!

Spence and I found this dragonfly on a bush in the garden this afternoon. It stayed there the whole time so I took heaps of photos. Spence loved it and we called it Darren the Dragonfly!

Am exhausted after all the gardening I have been doing the last couple of days so off to bed now! Will hopefully catch up on commenting tomorrow!


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