
By cracker

Happy Boy!

Home from work this morning. Only had about 3 hours of sleep as there was a fatal car accident that another station went to so we had to cover their area. Kids thinking they are invincible and drag racing. Such a waste.

Spence and I were going to go to the play centre in Warragul this morning but when we got there it was closed for a function. Spence was so excited, and when we couldn't go in I thought he was going to crack it but luckily I talked him into agreeing that it would be good to go to the park in Warragul and see if the ducks were there at the pond!

We had a lovely time playing on the equipment and throwing little sticks into the pond and the little stream to watch them float down! It was much better to be outside than paying to go into the play centre in the end!

We came back and got a few things up the street then went next door and played with Kurt who was staying with Joe and Bev. Spence had his sleep and I had a kip on the couch for 45 minutes!

I took this at the park this morning as Spence was about to go down the slide!

Thanks to everyone who has commented on my last few blips! I have been loving trying new things and experimenting with water, landscapes and HDR!

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