
By cracker

House on the Hill!

Home from night shift this morning at 10am. Broadmeadows was very quiet last night which was good! I drove home with a slight detour so that I could go past this house up on the hill which is on the way to Warragul. I have noticed it before even when there were no hay bales in the paddock, but with the hay bales I think it looks even better!!

I parked on the side of the road and took a few shots, mostly at different exposures so I could turn it into a HDR shot! I took some zoomed in a bit but thought the lines of the trees on the side of the house and with the crop, looked a bit better!

The day started off a bit sunny but then became overcast, then poured with rain and thunderstorms and now is back to overcast! When I got home I got straight out into the garden and finished off the whipper snippering I started yesterday and then went the hack at the garden against the boundary fence that is being replaced! Joe came over with his chainsaw and helped me cut down a couple of trees that have to go. About one minute after we had finished was when it poured with rain! So it was great timing!!

We have chosen a person to replace the fence. We ended up with four quotes, $14,000, $8,000, $6,000 and $5,000! Such a difference between them! We went with the $5,000 guy who can start on the 20th of December! The others couldn't do it until the end of Jan or Feb, so we did well!!

I am off to my second night shift tonight! Thanks for the comments on my Melbourne City shot yesterday!


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