
By cracker

Melbourne City

Another busy day today! Spence and I went to his last swimming lesson for the year then went into Warragul to do a few things. Came back via the post office, the bakery and the park! Had lunch then Spence went to bed, then my work began!!

I mowed all the lawns and then got the whipper snipper out! I did the whole back and side yards and then went the hack at the overgrown gardens in the back and side! I had to stop when Spence woke up but will hopefully get back and finish it off tomorrow or Thursday. Just after I had stopped it started to rain!

Drove into work for my night shift and it was my turn to do a standby to another station because we have one person too many at ours! I ended up going to Broadmeadows which is one of the furtherest stations from mine!! I went over the Balte Bridge to get there and took a quick snap of the city as I went over! I have played with the sky in Photoshop to make it a bit more dramatic!!

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