mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Oh Christmas Tree

I put the Christmas tree up (well, Mr Mono put it up and I decorated it) last night after Aidan went to bed. I thought he might of been a bit more interested in it today but he barely even looked at it. Oh well.

We were supposed to go to Monkey Music this morning. G told me yesterday that the snow was really bad where the class is held. We went 30 minuted before the class and drove around for 10 minutes but there was no where clear or safe to park. Oh well.

I had organised to have a reflexology treatment today in the house. It was great and thankfully Aidan only woke up from his nap just as she was finishing. I'm hoping this will help my sinuses and generally give my immune system a wee boost.

Mr Mono is out for his works Christmas night tonight. His work are very generous and pay for all the food and drink at these things. As you can imagine they generally end up a bit worse for wear. We'll see how he rolls in later! My turn next Friday minus the hangover of course!

yesterday's back blip

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