Settling Down

By sloeginlin

Bert and Ernie

What a superb day it has been for us in Cambridgeshire. The sun has been shining and although a little nippy, I was warm enough to strip off the old work coat when cleaning out the chickens. My word there was plenty of poo going onto the compost heap!

It was then time for the guinea pigs to have their clean out. If you remember they have been in the 6' x 4' shed whilst the very bitter weather has been here. So each day I have been throwing in more hay for them to burrow into.

Well, they actually had about 6" of hay keeping them warm. But it was definitely time for them to have a complete turn out. So please meet Bert on the left and Ernie on the right.

I adore them, they talk to me, especially when it is time for their supper. If they hear the sound of a bag of spinach the sound is amazing!

A good day has been had, now I have to try and invent something for the evening meal. Do you know, I would be very happy to just take a pill instead of having to faff about cooking a meal every day....but there you go. I am off into the kitchen.

Enjoy the rest of today as I believe tomorrow is getting colder again......sigh!


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