Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

This shouldn't be my blip

This is a photograph (and not a particularly good photograph at that) of a a little blue Santa Christmas deccy. It is emphatically NOT the blip I want to post.

Today I want to post a photograph of my amazing seven-year-old but I don't have one of him taken today.

You see he has been gone all day performing with his gymnastics display squad run by the wonderful husband and wife partnership, Terry and Christine. I went to see him earlier and was totally gobsmacked at the commitment and talent of all the children and teens involved. One-hundred-and-fifty youngsters flew, somersaulted, twisted, balanced and cartwheeled their way through thrilling routines which they are repeating three times today in sell-out shows.

Henry looked as though his little heart would burst with happiness, especially because my mother, father and stepfather had made the effort to get over to see him. I know he was enormously proud to show them what he'd achieved.

Henry has always has a tendency to freak out at new situations and although he begged me for gymnastics lessons when he was five years old it took about ten weeks of sitting watching before he joined in...then he proved to be very talented so was moved into the display squad, cue another ten weeks where he sat, itching to join in but too terrified to leave my side. We persevered and at times I wondered if we were doing the right thing but something inside me told me this was what he really wanted to do and watching him today, turning somersaults and vaulting so confidently, and so incredibly tiny next to his peers (the youngest of whom are a clear two years older) I knew that at least once in the last seven years as a mum I'd made the right decision.

So I wanted to blip him but I couldn't take my eyes off him long enough to pick my camera up. So you get Santa and I get the memories :-))

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