an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Santa Dash

Today we popped down to the seafront to see the annual charity Santa Dash.
It is a great spectacle to watch as hundreds of people get dressed up as Father Christmas to run / walk.

This year they had two races a 5km and a 10km. To distinguish between the runners in the different races the 5 km runners wore red Santa suits whilst the 10km runners wore blue ones.

I got some nice shots of the runners but the drumming band who were there to warm up and motivate the runners stole the show really, so I just had to blip them. The noise they made was incredible and they got the crowds moving with their dancing about as well as the drumming.

The kids loved watching them especially as one drummer came right up to see them. We were worried when baby was woken straight away at the first drum beat but he happily watched on instead of getting upset. Everyday baby surprises me with how much of a boy he is, maybe this is another example of how he happily copes with stuff like banging.

It is very different to when toddler was his age, she was far more sensitive to these things.

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