SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Letting Tired Pups Sleep...

I know how he feels!!!

After all the excitement of yesterdays wedding of the lovely R's Mum to B I can positively say... We're SHATTERED!

Managed to get back to Northamptonshire from East Yorkshire with the help of a sugar rush boost half way!!

Food, Shower & Bed in that order!

Laddie's excuse for being tired was a long walk with R a veterinary nurse where Nan takes Lads for his check ups etc... They have quite a soft spot for both him and Nan. R offered to start taking Lads for walks on a weekend when her own border became too old to do them (sadly she's since lost her border) and it helps Nan out. Laddie loves it and was highly dischuffed last weekend when he missed them because of the snow. He's a creature of habit & routine and that includes his walks!!

I can barely keep my eyes open and not yet 9pm... Good Night All

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