While on my runs

By waipushrink

What Raglan is famous for

I have thought long and hard about this blip. I have even had the (emotionally difficult but still an) advantage of being unable to post for some days because of a lack of access to the internet during our long weekend in Raglan. I have even viewed others' blips and made comments before making my choice, in the hope it would choose itself. It has been no easy choice between photos taken While on my run this morning, and the many images that appeal from later in the day. Ultimately, this one has chosen me.

This is what Raglan is most famous for; the surf and the surfers who come from around the world. I know little (actually, essentially nothing) about surfing but I understand it has one of the best breaks of whichever hand it is. Anyway, the water was full of keen surfer chaps of all ages, and I sat on the shore with the Pentax and its telephoto lens and after a few trial shots, "chased" one or two of the surfers.

This young Maori man was spinning his board on the top of the wave; and I got him at the moment of near completion of one such spin.

This blip is to acknowledge his quiet skill.

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