The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders

Poignant Luxuries, Sovereign Crumbs

It snowed yesterday-- a rare occurrence in this coastal region. Not much, maybe two inches, barely three.

Woke up to the pretty sight of trees and bushes, looking as though dusted with confectioners' sugar.

It was cold enough so that the snow stuck throughout most of the day. Today promises to have sunshine, though there will be more of that freezing cold.


Perhaps this has nothing to do with snowfall, or with the season, or with the fact that it gets dark so quickly in the afternoons. Or it has everything to do with it. But here it is past midnight (I shall go to bed soon), and I'm thinking of this Emily Dickinson poem, which I love so much:

God gave a Loaf to every Bird --
But just a Crumb -- to Me --
I dare not eat it -- tho' I starve --
My poignant luxury --

To own it -- touch it --
Prove the feat -- that made the Pellet mine --
Too happy -- for my Sparrow's chance --
For Ampler Coveting --

It might be Famine -- all around --
I could not miss an Ear --
Such Plenty smiles upon my Board --
My Garner shows so fair --

I wonder how the Rich -- may feel --
An Indiaman -- An Earl --
I deem that I -- with but a Crumb --
Am Sovereign of them all --


Little sparrow, little starling, come in from the cold.

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