The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Star(ling) gazing

Woke up and went back to sleep a couple of times - I hate sleeping in, but I knew I needed it!!

Finally got up and went for a run along the sea front - gorgeous blue sky and sun! I love Aber when it's like this, just beautiful! Felt so freeeee!! Went back to the house and found Roy scattering more wood shavings over my recently brushed up floor (we haven't got a vacuum). As he was walking out last night, he added that I might want to put something in front of the door "incase anyone tries to come in in the night" talk about freaking someone out!!? Anyhow, after an uneventful night I'm still alive, phew! I think he's trying to scare me as when he was finishing off the lock today, he also got some filler to put down a small crack in the door adding that it was to "stop people peering in"?!

Anyhow, Roy finished the lock on my door and I went out to town to do odd things I'd been meaning to do for ages. Bought some black trousers and a top for the concert tonight. Walked along the front star(ling) gazing and watched the sunset. Got back to mine and Mark came over for a bit, then walked to friends to get a taxi to the concert. Really freezing in the Church but the concert went really well. Stood around in the cold after for about 30mins - my feet froze as I was wearing pumps and no socks!! As soon as I got into my room I just jumped around for a while, looking like an idiot and trying to warm up.

Now going to try and get an early night, just had some warm milk :)

4500 words to write for Friday *gulp*

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