Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

To The Rescue......

Out for a wee wander today I found a nice spot to sit down and contemplate just what I was feeling today. I was hoping this wouldnt lead to another dark post that the previous days have suffered.
I found a spot opposite the Christchurch Art Gallery and was sitting thinking if there is any angle that this building hasnt been photographed, its an amazing structure but has been 'done to death' photographically speaking when.....

......I hear from behind me the noise of a police siren. Our 'boys in blue' are on the way to another crisis for some poor person. I realise that they are going to come past me really soon and feel that maybe, just maybe, an image has come to me rather than the other way round so I prepare myself knowing Ill only get one frame at the speed they are going. Clunk goes the shutter and Im off home happy in the knowledge that the Blip for today has found me!!!
Once home, I find what the image was trying to tell me. Its all about the commitment that our emergency services give in our protection and defence and how little respect we have for them. Not one of the people on the roadside has taken a ounce of notice of the police car speeding past them heading to an unknown danger in our protection.
At the moment in New Zealand there is a great debate if our police should be armed or not, just last week a police man was hacked up quite badly by two kids, one 18 and on 14, using a machette and all he had for protection was a baton and a taser. He survived thank goodness but what is next????

I dedicate this post to our unsung heroes the police, fire and ambulance services, safe travels to them all over the busy Christmas period.

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