
I believe I've just ticked over 2 years of blipping.

Blip is a balance of every day living, family, work, taking that photo and loading it. Some days it's come easily and I've tapped a rich vein of ideas and execution. Other days I've struggled with time, other priorities etc. You all know what I mean.

I sometimes question why I do this every day. I know I don't have to but always come back to the crux; I want to.

I've made many friends locally and far away. Thank you.

I've honed my craft a little bit more in 2 years and I'm hungry to learn more. Your journals inspire me and you wonderful boys and girls at blip central make it possible. Thank you.

I'm discovering my images bring pleasure to others, including my family - particularly my parents. I notice increasingly those images where I'm true to myself and don't set out to please but explore within why I photograph strike a cord. You confirm my intuition. Thank you.

I'm a nicer person because I blip, strange but true. My mind and heart are freer and I feel more whole. Thank you, because in some way you have contributed to this past 2 years.

Balance. The beer is brewed from scratch (not a kit) by my friend Tom. It's his special Christmas wheat beer (with a german name I can't remember - edit: Weizenbock (8.2%) thanks Tom!). The cup cake is gluten free (polenta and lemon). For one who doesn't do so well on gluten forming grains, I think I've struck a balance ;-)

The dress some of you are pushing me to blip? I'm still in running gear and the dress will have an outing later at a party. You'll have to wait ;-)

I've eaten all I'm going to of a very sweet cake I'm not used to, the beer is going to my head. It's time I stopped.

Cheers! happy 2 year blip birthday hpx :-)

Edit: I've turned my star rating off. I'd rather you left a constructive comment on what has worked for you and what I could do to improve.

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