
By RustyKlicker

Christmas Cushion

My first entry. I met an old friend today whilst out Christmas shopping and she told me about this site. Photography was a bit of a hobby for me in the "good old days" as my kids would say. Now that I spend more time wondering where the good old days went, than creating more good times, I thought I might give this a try to see if I can rekindle the passion for pictures.

I had a think for a while about what my first picture would be and when thinking about old times, friends and traditions, I saw our Christmas Cushion.

You will either know what I am on about because you have one too or more likely, your parents do, or you will never have heard of it.

Either way, I chose to capture a simple image of our Christmas Cushion as it represents the traditions of our family Christmas and somehow links the past and present for our family.

Best get the camera dusted down if this is to continue.

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