Lali's World

By Lali

Mince pies!

Christmas picture number 18!

Brrrrr! It's cold!!!

I realised I haven't posted yet any pictures of food in my Christmas theme, so today you're having mince pies!

It's been a long day! I woke up early this morning to buy a box to keep the chocolate birthday cake I was making for a friend yesterday before I went to work. It turned out that because of the snow chaos, the shop hadn't received any, so I had to buy instead a Christmas box, bright red with "Merry Christmas" written all over it! Never mind. I hope my friend understands!

Then, I had to endure a few hours of Christmas carols in our shop, including gems such as "I want to give you one for Christmas" and "Santa Clause got stuck in my chimney" Hahaha! Otherwise it was just a long day with nothing much worth happening.

I'm warming up and relaxing now with a warm mince pie and a dram of Famous Grouse Vintage Malt Whisky 1987 aged for 12 years.

Another fun day waiting for me tomorrow at work! :)

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