Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Going Nowhere

I'm not really in blip hunting mood today. The weather is cold (don't know if you've noticed) and the list of things I have to do is getting longer. I took a glance out of my new office window and couldn't help but chuckle at the bold claim on the side of the PC Coaches vehicles. London. Paris. Barcelona. All that would be fine I suppose if they could get out of the car park. Which they can't. I saw irony, and in irony I trust. Snap, edit, upload.

So I went searching for Isaacs CD player ysterday (see yesterdays blip) and both Argos and Toys R Us were out of stock. I have come to the conclusion I am passionately against Mums who drive 4x4 vehicles badly and ignorantly, and then proceed to faff as much as possible in the queue and disrupt the cashier just to get some social contact because her marraige is loveless and based primarily on money and spoilt kids with no manners. Well at least that was the vibe I got from the lady who spent twenty minutes buying £575 worth of toys. Someones in for a lucky christmas aren't they? As long as they are materialistic and don't mind that Mummy sits getting drunk on gin in one room while daddy is outside looking at his gleaming new Audi, a christmas present to himself. Its not like she'll buy him what he wants: a younger girl who moans less and spends less.

Bitter? Uhuh. The reason? Neither store had the Chad Valley Sing Along CD Player (serial number 1234-whybother), so instead I had a choice. Do I purchase something that isn't on the list, using all my powers of choice and perception, or do I go with something else from the list, albeit something that is now pushing the sub £40 mark. Don't forget I'm a struggling homeowner with a social life to rediscover......

I paid £40 for something else on the list. That's three less pints and two less cheeky sambuca shots on Thursday night now.

Thursday night I hear you ask? (at this point I'd love to do the Me/Youconversations that the extremely amusing rxs does but that'd be copying). YES, Thursday night. Works Christmas meal beginning in Cafe Zoot at around 1.30pm, and ending in a sick filled gutter sometime on Christmas Eve morning. Maybe I'll find my fallen angel there.

Oh yeah the girl with a prisoner boyfriend has decided seperation is best for her. I've decided abstaining is probably best for me and my limbs so its back to hoping that the one person to make an impression on m comes to her senses and realises I'm one in a fecking million.

Which I am. .

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