
I don't know the history behind the mistletoe. I don't always know the mystery that is my hubby. We both got home late. My hubby went to the store to buy the fixins to make his famous, Nuclear Winter Chili for the guys at work. I went off to knock-off more of my Christmas shopping. We got home roughly the same time. We were finishing up left overs. He was beginning to prepare his chili. He came over close to me and asked me "Does it work"? I looked at him, "Does what work"? He looked up over my head, now realizing he is holding something over my head. He said again, before I could look up, now with a sweet grin "I just want to see if it still works", and I looked up, he was holding the mistletoe over my head. I kissed him promptly and told him "yes, yes of course it still works" and I kissed him again.

Keeping the mystery ALIVE!!!

Sweet dreams!!!

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