The Pensioner

By Pensioner

No Fool Like an Old Fool

A Wednesday night out! The wind-down to Christmas has begun. And no travel to London either - the 6:25 got away at 10:30 yesterday so that was enough to prompt a rethink. The London end said if there was the slightest chance whatsoever of bad weather disrupting plans then we should consider alternatives. Slightest chance whatsoever? That's my kind of risk assessment.
So, tonight! A meet-up with the usual chums and a young blipper too, at a neighbourhood venue for beers. What about poor old Vince. Oh how easily caught are vain self-regarding men of a certain age when presented with seemingly eager young women. A lesson to us all. Away with you! You're a journalist! Don't flatter me, it won't work y'know (adjusts tie, checks hair in mirror). Barman! Pip pip!

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