Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The bride - and the welcoming of strangers

Today is Periyar it rained very heavily. The monsoon has a sting in its tail and the temperature are low as well. I put all my waterproof gear on me and the camera and sallied forth. Not far from the hotel I spotted a car with a beautiful bouquet on the bonnet. Out came the camera.

Then a young man came from inside the house. He told me there was a wedding today and the photographer was busy taking photos. I thought it would be an intrusion to ask if I could see the bride, so I took my images and started to pack up. Another man appeared and I was spontaneously invited inside the house. A room had been given over to become a studio with proper lights and 2 photographers working together. They welcomed me and even encouraged the bride to look at my camera!!

I made my exit fairly quickly so he could proceed with his shoot, but with a few images in the bag. The people of Kerala are extraordinarily generous and hospitable.

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