Doll House

By dollhouse

Lucy and her Daddy

We have had a wonderful Christmas day, spent at Grandma (Mama's Mum)'s house and have been spoilt rotten with beautiful, thoughtful gifts; delicious food; Thorntons' chocolates; stories; champagne; plenty of love and nonsense from Great-Grandad and lots of cuddles for Lucy and Izzy.

Thank you Mum for all of the effort you put in this year, and every year, and for everything you do for Lucy and Izzy; I don't know what we would do without you. Mama is very lucky to have such kind and generous parents.

This afternoon, Lucy was sitting with her father, chatting away about all manner of nonsense and lecturing him on various different things, when suddenly she turned to him and said "Daddy, I love you; you are my most favourite toy".

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