
By Viewpoint

Keeping in touch

Isn't modern technology simply amazing? At the click of a button we can communicate with my brother in Denver and my daughter in NSW.

So here's my mum Skyping with N who has just got up (he's an early riser) who hadn't even had breakfast at the time we spoke. Both my parents (who are in their 80's can manage to Skype and love it for the way it enables them to keep in touch with family).

Earlier we received a Skype chat message from my daughter who is on holiday on the south coast of NSW - staying with her in-laws. As hers was a mobile internet connection she wasn't able to chat via video but it was still good to get her message. Apparently it's been raining - so no beach - just a re-run of Titanic on the DVD player.

When I think of them so many, many miles away I'm reminded of the song Ellis Island that was recorded by Mary Black (an irish folk singer) and the fact that once families emigrated from Ireland they would never see their families again. How devastating would that be!

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