
By flying

Thank you :)

From the bottom of my heart on this wet Summers day, I would like to thank you for the lovely comments left on yesterdays 300th blip. I enjoyed reading them all - full of cheer, thoughtfulness and lots of encouragement. I will be back to celebrate my first year with blip and yes a road sign may be differcult to find - I will have to put my thinking cap on for that one!

Today has been busy - groceries with Mum, checking in on our Black Swan family - who are doing just fine, preparing for the arrival of hubby's parents - they are staying for two weeks, and taking photos between the downpours.

As I type there is a gentle breeze in the garden with little rays of light capturing the glistening raindrops.

I have just been told tea is ready - I'll finish this later - so sorry - its fish, so I'd better go, Daughter E is cooking :)) I'll be back soon :))

I'm back now, tea was absolutely delicious!! Daughter E did a fantastic job of cooking :)

The rays of light have now left the garden and the droplets are now waiting to make their 'big drop' in the breeze. The temperature has dropped to a rather pleasant 13C, I say pleasant because its been sooo very hot over the last week.

I will attempt to thank you individually over tonight as I find commenting hard when I have visitors in the house, maybe its because I'm the one thinking of meals, washing and generally keeping things going - a job thats neverending.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart on this Summers evening - a hosta flower for you :))

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