Nora Berghoff

By nberghoff


Well, I am thrilled to be back - finally. After more than two months of blip absence.

Life had gotten hold of me, and I barely had time to get the things done that I really needed to get done. Not much time left for blipping, unfortunately :-(

But maybe the new year will prove to be better in that respect. I miss my camera!

Speaking of which, I added a point and shoot camera to my equipment, simply because it wasn't feasible to carry the SLR everywhere.
I like my SLR a lot better, and actually miss having it with me, because I am still trying to get used to the "little one" (what's up with these viewfinder-less cameras?! It's weird!). I don't really like having less manual control, but what can you do. At least it fits into my coat pocket!
Maybe that will make it easier to get more pictures. Of course, for anything "serious", the SLR is still the equipment of choice.

I am currently in Germany for the holidays, and managed to get some pictures of the iced-over landscape on Saturday. It was really pretty, especially because I barely ever see this in Texas!

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