Susie'sLittle London Life

By susieb

"Do you think this Blip thing..."

.... is becoming a bit of an obsession, dear?" said my Dad today.

I suddenly realised today it was my Blip birthday, and in the midst of packing up all the Christmas goodies, saying goodbye to everyone, and dealing with a slightly poorly toddler, I sent Gareth to the shop to buy balloons. The plan had been to take a photo of Sam with said balloon, until he developed a strange and violent phobia to it, and just wouldn't even be in the same room. Blame the virus.

No matter, we had to press ahead, driving 3 hours home in order that I reach my night shift on time. Car loaded, ready to go, and I leap out, throw a balloon on a railing, take a photo, and jump back in, Dukes of Hazard style (well, I wish, anyway). So, not the best photo in the world. Never mind, on this occasion, it's the thought that counts.

It's been a great journey. I've discovered a new way of looking at the world, and for that I'm truly grateful. I'm also very appreciative of all of you in this lovely community who've taken the time to look, and comment.

100 in, so much fun had already, roll on the next 100!

PS: Yes, Dad, you're right!

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