They have to go

It's time I sorted this office out.
That means cupboards.
Which means that my canvases either have to find a new home or they go in the attic.
You can see the squid of despair is not happy about this, but that's life.
The big purple wave and the flower - been hanging on this office wall for at least 12 months.
Not for very much longer.
Anyone want them?

Decisions have been made today. I couldn't take the bleak mood anymore.

So, I'm not applying for a job I was contemplating. Not because I can't, or that I don't think I could do it, because I COULD. But it would add an extra 30 minutes a day onto my travel, each way, and it would start in September, just as our routine would be going through transition anyway. So, no, not doing that - we'd all be stressed to the eyeballs!

I also decided that I had to tackle the coursework, holiday or not. The fact that it was sat at the bottom of the stairs meant I saw it frequently, every day - there's something psychological about being reminded constantly of a job that needs doing - eventually, you have to give in. I feel better for sitting at the kitchen table for 8 hours, marking or re-marking 110 coursework folders. No, seriously, I do. Because it was a mammoth task, but now it is done.

Tomorrow, IKEA.

Woo hoo!

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