Sleepless in Arizona

My flight from Vegas kept getting delayed but I wasn't too dismayed. The first day after the holidays is usually slow, so I was always happy to sneak in a few more hours into my Vegas stay. Much walking and photography followed. Much about Vegas is unreal and a short stay leaves that impression intact. Instead of spending the evening as one would, we decided to remain indoors and chat leaving the windows wide open for a beautiful view of the city. It turned out to be rather interesting and this is what outings with good friends or family are like. They bring out a side of you for which there is no place in everyday life.

Then began the long night. Though my flight landed in Phoenix on time, a defect in the braking system locked the aeroplane's tyres and we remained stranded off the runway, unable to enter the airport. I was enjoying the informal banter from the crew over the microphone during the flight, but it served no purpose when we were so close and yet so far. The time for laughter had passed. When we did manage to get in, I ran the whole long length of the corridors to reach the gate to my connecting flight at one end, only to find I had missed it by a good 10 minutes. I was caught between spending my night on a chair or on the floor in the airport and a hotel room. For some reason I chose the latter, but having hardly slept the night before, I didn't trust myself to wake up before dawn for my early morning flight with hardly a couple of hours of sleep. Kept myself awake and I am just glad I managed to get on the flight.

The cold weather in Atlanta was beautiful. Snow remained by the roads. I remember an old fridge when we were young, where the freezer didn't automatically de-frost and I would scrape away the snow-ice and play with it. What remained on the ground was identical. A glorious day followed when I spent only a few hours in the office before I quenched all my gluttony at the large supper.

P.S. No time to process any image or even to comment. Time to catch up on some sleep.


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