Pure Theatre

Wednesday 29th and we're all at sea again for the next 4 days before arriving at the Azores.
Apparently, today we pass across the Nares Abyssal Plane which has depths of 6300 metres.
I can't begin to imagine how deep it is under our bows. It's certainly scary to think about it.

I'm checking the life jackets and wondering if I can jump down into one of the life boats directly beneath our cabin should there be a Titanic incident.

We had three lectures lined up this morning:- one by an American forensic scientist, one by Lord Robert Winston and the last one by a photographer who climbed Everest. All of them inspirational. It's like being back at University but with no exam at the end. My further education knows no bounds, I can tell you.

The fitness on the other hand has gone for a burton at the moment. The gym is altogether too hot for me and there are too many other things to do with my time.......well eating if you are so rude to know.

Eating on board ship is something of a feeding frenzy. So far we have been extremely abstemious and kept well away from the temptations of the 24 hour a day buffet, but we've recently succumbed to picking up a morsel or two for lunch. I'm so glad we didn't venture there before our last week on board.

The lectures are held in a state of the art theatre, which is my blip for the day.

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