A Perfect Foil

Cunard train their own defence team for marauding pirates, Somalian or otherwise.

We lost an hour of sleep overnight as we crossed a time zone. We are now GMT-3, becoming GMT-2 tomorrow

The ship is also rolling a bit in quite a swell, which makes for interesting progress around the ship. A sudden lurch and you bounce off a wall only to teeter helplessly towards the opposite one. When walking, it helps to place one's legs far apart on the ground, which is not a very ladylike gait, but is effective in keeping steady.

The rolling movement doesn't seem to have rendered people seasick or diminished their consumption of food, which really is quite prodigious.

It is cause for thought when one considers that what is being consumed for breakfast by the average person ( not I, you understand, being a fruit and toast girl) would perhaps feed someone in the third world for a week. A very, very unequal division of the world's resources.

We had two morning lectures today: one by Robert Winston on what makes people happy and how it ties in with personality, and the second by an American, Matt Costello, novelist, games designer and script writer and a bit of a magician too. He wrote the PC game Pirates of the Caribbean.
He was discussing how a writer thinks when translating reality into fiction.

In the latter lecture, at one point he asked the audience to make a choice in their minds to be either invisible or to be able to fly like a bird, and to put up their hands when he asked how many people had made each choice.
Noticing that is Lordship hadn't responded to either, I asked him why, and he said he was thinking of something else and wasn't concentrating............. I wonder what the psychologist part of Robert Winston would make of that.

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