Azoto Compresso

Hogmanay, and it's dawned wild, grey and gloomy.

The sea swell is huge with white horses on the wave tops dancing into the distance as far as the eye can see.
The port decks are awash with flying spray and the deck chairs empty as the ship glides at 24 knots an hour on its passage to Ponta Delgado in the Azores.

But I care not for the weather and the lost hour overnight ( we are now only GMT-2.) because the thought of three interesting lectures this morning had me bounding to the theatre to continue my education.
First up was Scottish QC, Herbert Kerrigan, talking about trial by Jury or Press, next, Matt Costello on turning his book 'Still Waters' into a film and lastly Jerry Labriola an American forensic scientist who touched on crime scene observations and in particular the murder 14 years ago in Colorado of the 6 year old child model whose name has escaped me. Tomorrow he talks about the OJ Simpson trial and the murder of JFK.

It's going to be hard to to return to shore and have to seek out our entertainment for ourselves.

His Lordship and I are glued to my cell phone awaiting the call to say our newest grandchild has arrived safely. Today was the day, but still no news.
I'm hoping that Daughter # 5 makes the big day 1.1.11 as her little boy was born on 8.8.08 and I find the dates agreeable to the eye.

His Lordship and I wish all the Scots celebrating Hogmanay a wonderful evening and we'll raise a toast to you all with our dram tonight. Slainthe Mhath!

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