
A day of recuperation at sea after the shennanigans of the night before.

The ship hosted a multitude of Hogmanay parties in various locations around the ship, but his Lordship and I being of more subdued natures and possibly downright miserable only graced the big countdown to 2011 in the grand lobby with the band, the Captain, the ship's bell and a thousand balloons...... oh and too many glasses of champagne.

From being a shipload of passengers who should know better, it transmogrified into an unruly rabble of balloon popping, hooter blowing, champagne swilling children of the third age.

We had secured ourselves a neat little corner on the upstairs landing, overlooking this mass of noise and could see the band( top left of the blip), and the captain (bottom right corner) counting down the minutes to the hour.

Then all mayhem was let loose, balloons falling from on top and couples dancing, singing 'Auld Lang Syne' and generally behaving like people all over the world.

There must have been quite a number of sore heads this morning, and there were considerably less people at breakfast than is usual.

The lectures are starting later today, but we hope to learn about the trials of O J Simpson and JFK. it should be an interesting start to 2011.

A Very Happy New Year to you all!

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